NOVUS Boat Scratch Remover & Color Restoration Kit

Painted Finishes 

Introducing the all-new NOVUS Boat, specially designed for painted surfaces! This innovative addition to the NOVUS family features advanced paint polishes that effectively remove scratches and restore vibrant color, giving your boat a refreshed and polished appearance.

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NOVUS Flexible Window Cleaning Kit

Plastic Finishes

Novus Plastic Polish Flexible Window Kit is designed to remove fresh and saltwater stains from flexible windows found on boats, Jeep soft tops, and other vehicles. This comprehensive kit includes all the necessary tools and products to restore your windows to their original clarity, making them lookas good as new. 

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NOVUS Ultimate Marine UV Protectant

Clean and Protect

TheNOVUSPlastic Polish Clean and Protect:Marine is the ultimate solution formaintainingyour boat's surfaces. Specifically formulated to protect against the sun's harmful UV rays, this product ensures that your boat's fiberglass, plastic, and metal componentsremainin pristine condition.

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